InteliHealth Consulting | Healthcare Strategic Solutions, Insights, Regs
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Insights that drive
Disruption and Innovation.


Products    |     Organization    |     Team    |     M&A    |     Investors
Actionable Strategic Plans That Drive Transformation. Data-driven, analytics enabled, and experienced-based, we create solutions that provide clarity and certainty across all channels. We meld today’s reality with tomorrows possibilities through deep understanding. By providing our clients with actionable insights, they are able to pursue mission critical opportunities with the confidence that they have the capabilities and skills needed to realize their future objectives.
Strategic Healthcare Solutions


Thought Leadership    |     Opportunity    |     Execution    |     Market    |     Innovation
We Stay Current Across All Key Healthcare Channels. From technology to regulatory concerns, we immerse ourselves in the conversations and shape the insights and outcomes. By partnering with InteliHealth, you are aligning yourself with some of the top thought leadership available. Our consultants are recognized as industry experts by their peers and understand the complexities you are facing in today’s rapid change world.


By providing our clients with strategic insights, they are empowered with the tools to assess both the opportunities and pitfalls of a host of options.


Insights are the catalysts that provide your company with the winning edge.


Management    |     Adoption    |     Blockchain     |     Devices    |     SaaS
Is the current wave of Healthcare Technology Jonas Salk or Pandora’s Box? Both of course! The choices are enough to cripple even the strongest management team. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things devices, plus major advances in medical devices, procedures, science, and data are changing the landscape of Healthcare forever. Power players like, Apple and Microsoft have increased their health-related offerings by a magnitude of 25x in the last five years. Superpowers like Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway, and JP Morgan are coming together and promising to forever change the ENTIRE industry.


Only through a vigilant attention to obtaining insight can you plan for this new future and adapt to the probable paradigm shifts ahead. The companies that partner with us know we have their back. We got this!
Healthcare Technology


MACRA    |     Compliance    |     HIPAA    |     Security    |     Privacy
Healthcare Regulatory Requirements
Compliance is no longer Black & White. Fact: The rapid advancement of technology is outpacing the ability of regulators. Problem: Healthcare organizations face severe penalties and sanctions if they breach compliance yet much of the technology like, IoT, Telemedicine, Cloud based SaaS, and others are not fully understood by the regulators. How do you plan for the future of your company while not risking major exposure?


InteliHealth will analyze your company’s current compliance as well as future requirements and create a strategic plan based on your unique requirements. We will help you navigate the mine fields of HIPAA and give you the confidence to focus on your business needs.

Get the insights, strategies, and market dominance you deserve.